
Commercial Solar Heating Applications
Who Benefits?
Any facility that needs heating or uses hot water, can benefit for the DSH System. Of necessity the more heat required in balance, the larger the area required for solar panels. Any heating application with slab flooring are perfect applications for solar heating.
Applications requiring heat from 20c (68f) to 200c (392f) are commercially viable.
Any commercial requirement for large quantities of hot water are perfect scenarios for the DSH system.
- Hotels, Motels,
- Hospitals,
- Retirement centers
- Laundries,
- Car Washes,
- Recreation centers,
- Pools,
- Military billeting
- Retirement Centers
Inter-seasonal Storage
Stored heat in this case is only used for backup heating, not hot water.
The DSH storage system is based on low cost Geo-storage and is installed under the insulated slab of the building, requiring most systems to be installed during the foundation construction period. Heat cores are capable of storing multiple TWt of energy, scalable with the size of the building. Without a massive solar storage system, summer heat would need to be vented instead of stored, a complete waste of usable energy.
Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is a quiet, dust free, draft free heating system that optimizes stratified heating to its beast advantage. Using free solar energy for much of the heating, it provides high economy with low/no GHG/carbon emissions.
Backup Heating
In extremely cold environments such as Canada, reliable heating is essential, all DSH systems will integrate an approved backup boiler or heat pump as required. The type and size specified will depend on local circumstances, but will automatically engage as required for comfort.
The DSH system is also capable of integrating open flame heating appliances such as biomass boilers, pellet boilers, wood burning boiler systems, and waste heat capture such as refrigeration or flue.
Long Term Savings
The DSH system is expected to reduce yearly heating costs by >50% as compared to a traditional forced air systems., This means that the higher initial cost of solar hydronic heating can be easily recouped by building owners and operators. During that period the carbon emissions are reduced by 100% of the thermal offset.
Saving the operational expenses by way of cost of energy, all the while reducing your GHG carbon footprint.
Heating Applications
Optimally low caloric hydronic heat is delivered to an insulated slab floor, where due to high thermal mass, heat is retained over long periods. As a rule slab floors temperatures are limited to less than 30degree Celsius for comfort.
- Warehouses
- Retirement & Nursing homes
- Shopping malls
- Hospitals & Doctors offices
- Offices and workspaces
- Garages & Parking
- Footpath & driveway melting
- Schools & Gymnasiums
- Prisons and corrections
- Greenhouses
- Airports & Railways stations
- Big Box Buildings
All “Heating applications” include/require an approved backup heating system by code.
Reduce the energy costs of snow melt for roofs, sidewalks and driveways and parking lots
Retrofitting, while much more difficult, it is possible in many locations, where a storage system can be engineered adjacently or by some other means, and hydronic heating can be installed in a new layer atop an existing slab.
Existing Hydronic heating systems, especially those with in slab heating improve chances of compatibility. Retrofitting hydronic pipes into/onto an existing concrete slab is also possible although its performance improves if the slab is sub-insulated.

Corporate Office Locations
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Wellington, NZ
(587) 351 6020