
Residential Uses For Solar Thermal Heating

Any type of new residence that can utilize a hydronic heating solution and will benefit from Free Solar Heat.

The DSH system can offset much of the heating needs for an MDU (Multi-Dwelling Units). Common areas, hallways, toilets, and snow and Ice removal are all factors that can be beneficial

Motel & Hotel
One of the biggest Operating Expense with respect to Motels and Hotels is laundry, pools, hot water and heating.

Retirement centers
Retirement and care facilities use vast quantities of hot water and heating. The DSH system can offset a majority of yearly heat energy usage. Hydronic heat reduces the spread of airborne particles, and on a safety note, can be used for Ice melting

Barracks & Jails
Large building comfort and heating can be optimized through the use of solar hydronic heat and hot water. Barracks, jails, and dormitories all benefit.

Camps & RV Parks
Even locations that are off-grid can benefit from solar heat. DSH systems can be operated year round off-grid with an off-grid package. Heat hot water for showers, pools, heating & walkways and more.

Corporate Office Locations
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Wellington, NZ
(587) 351 6020